Kategori Beruk

Thursday, October 27, 2011

A man call 999 to report a foreign object believed to be a UFO. It was actually, the moon. Joke of the year! [breaking]

BREAKING - Youtube: Kami rasa brader ini sudah terpengaruh dengan cerita alien  di Brazil dan UFO di London menyebabkan dia jadi paranoid. Bulan pun disangka saudara E.T punya space ship. Buat dia cuak dan menelefon 999.

Panggilannya dijawab oleh Hertfordshire police di Canterbury. Lelaki itu lalu menceritakan dia nampak cahaya terang terbit dari belakang puncak perbukitan. Dia suspek benda berkilau itu adalah UFO. Minta pihak polis membuat siasatan takut-takut UFO itu mahu invade Canterbury. Operator polis mencatat seperti diberitahu.

Dua minit kemudian, pakcik tu telefon lagi, mengatakan benda yang dia repot tadi sebenarnya ialah bulan. Sambil gelak dan minta maaf. Mabuk ke apa. Tapi tetap kelakar tahap skrip cerita kartun Sin Chan. Anda dengar sendiri perbualan di youtube yang disiarkan oleh pihak polis Hertfordshire semalam dalam kempen memerangi penyalahgunaan talian kecemasan.

Teks panggilan:

A recording of the call has been released as part of a police campaign asking people to use 999 appropriately.

The Control Room conversation, which took place in May, was recorded - and below is a transcript:

Control Room: "South Wales Police, what's your emergency?"

Caller: "It's not really. I just need to tell you or inform you that across the mountain there's a very bright stationary object."

Control room: "Right."

Caller: "if you could look at this,perhaps you could find out what it is."

Caller: " It's been there at least half an hour and it's still there."

Control: "It's been there for half an hour. Right. Is it actually on the mountain or in the sky?"

Caller: "It's in the air."

Control: "I'll get somebody up there now to check on it."

Caller: "OK."

2 minutes later...

Caller: "I called two minutes ago."

Control: "So what can I do for you now sir."

Caller: "Well this is weird, haha. Well, this thing is... it is the moon."

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